Everything evolves.
I used to be 5′-10.5″, had a full/thick head of hair, and a 28″ waistline. Dang it if gravity and time hasn’t “corrected” all that. Evolution is REAL.
In 1982, a group of young adults sat in a lecture presented by Hugh Pinnock, a member of the Quorum of the 70, during a half-mission conference in Idaho Falls, ID. Frankly, it was one of the pivotal intellectual experiences of my life. Elder Pinnock spent a good portion of his lecture that day on the topic of Uniformitarianism vs. Catastrophism. Because of the efforts of Boise Christian Outreach, as well as other local organizations providing counterpoints to doctrines taught by “Mormon” missionaries in the area, providing additional relevant resources to ministers of the Gospel was one of the primary objectives for that day’s conference.
Slow, or fast. The Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection, or Creationism. Darwin, or Prophets.
Uniformitarianism supports the Darwinian evolutionary concept of natural selection.
Catastrophism supports the creationists’ position of abrupt, violent action.
Man evolved from a fish…
God created man in His own image, male and female, created He them…
Priesthood power, order, love and honor.
(As a side note: Featured photo on this post is an ordinance room in the Nauvoo Temple…work on the temple…)